The Opening Ceremony of Employment Skills Training in Feilong Vocational School was held in Huikeju

CREATE_TIME:2015-05-28 VIEWS:154

  On May 26, the opening ceremony of Feilong Vocational and Technical School's Employment Skills Training Course on People's Livelihood Engineering was held in Huikeju boutique hotel. Wang Liuqun, Director of Yuexi County People's Livelihood Office, Li Yang, Head of Professional Capacity Building Unit, Feilong Vocational and Technical School, Chu Yu, and Zhang Yang, General Manager of Anhui Tianyuewan Tourism Development Co., Ltd. attended the ceremony and delivered speeches. Zhou Zhihui, a member of the former Party member of the Social Bureau and President of Qianqian Gongkao School, was invited to give lectures.

  At the ceremony, Zhou Zhihui emphasized the importance of team spirit. He believes that team spirit is the basic prerequisite for doing all the work well. The more legally operated enterprises, the more they need this spirit. Cooperation and cooperation are the core of team spirit. Only when employees can cooperate and cooperate, can the enterprise flourish. Zhou Zhizhi elaborated the importance of cooperative relationship through such cases as "Einstein's test questions", "the story of two birds", "the difference between classmates after graduation", "the experiment of pulling rope", "the split reproduction system", "the story of fly father and three sons", and so on, so as to inspire employees to have a sense of responsibility.


  During the training course, the general manager of Tianyuewan Company publicized, "This employment skills training activities for people's livelihood is very meaningful to improve the quality of all employees in our company. One's life should improve oneself in constant learning. I hope all of our employees will cherish this opportunity, correct their attitude, learn from scratch and constantly improve themselves. Our Tianyue Bay is a collaborative team, as long as you all have Tianyue Bay in mind, this home will be more warm.

  The purpose of this round of training is to let employees know more about the relationship between individuals and teams, to train qualified employees, to increase mutual understanding and support, to achieve win-win cooperation, to establish a harmonious working atmosphere, to tap the potential of the team, and to stimulate team morale. In the employment competition, we should strengthen the sense of belonging, cohesion and initiative of employees. Lack of common goals and cohesion, the best talent can not effectively play their wisdom.

  At the end of the ceremony, many students expressed that such activities benefited them a lot, and would make them less detours. In their respective jobs, they could have a clear goal based on their own duties and strengthen their confidence to be a qualified worker. (Chen Weiyi)